• $97 or 3 monthly payments of $39

Orgasmic Touch Course

Unlock the secrets of profound intimacy through orgasmic touch. Discover the art of erotic tantra massage. This course goes beyond sex education to guide you to become a great lover, create genuine connection, and build healthy relationships. It's time become a deeper, more fulfilled version of you.

What happened to intimacy 101?

Let's be real, we all want to rock it in the bedroom. But, many of us missed out on some decent sexual education growing up. Most of what we know probably came from movies and, let's be honest, the wild world of adult content. And that can mess with our heads and give us some serious insecurities.

We have crafted an easy to follow guide that is your ticket to bringing back the spark in your love life!

Check out a sneak peek of the course for FREE below. 🌟

Why are you here?

My guess is you want to open and receive as much as you give. but lack the trust to fully surrender due to fears of past experiences like rejection, poor performance or feeling undeserving. 

  • Do you feel you hold back and hide your authentic desires?

  • Are you afraid of being “too much”, “too naughty" or "too needy"? 

  • Are you longing for that deeper connection?

  • Or maybe you're a Sexual Jedi destined to know every aspect of being a master lover!

Creating sacred union (that never fades) fosters connection beyond your wildest dreams.
We at Orgasmic Heart share a safe way to confidently open to long lasting intimacy, great sex and courageous connection. 

Come Alive, feeling accepted in your desires while learning erotic massage online from a place of rich self love and a harmonious attitude of gratitude. 

FREE Previews Right Here!

Compassionate Communication was influenced from several disciplines. Nonviolent Communication, Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin and from my own book Authentic Vulnerable Communication. We learn to become deep observers reading the language of the body and having the will to ask for what we need and ask the other what they need as well.  This video is the second foundation to being able to produce Orgasmic Touch. Good skills in communication by words, touch, sounds and heart. Watch and discover the language of love.
The Elements of Touch is a fun and juicy way to  experience so many flavors of sensation. Surprisingly, most people have not tried all the different forms of touch during intimate interactions. And I find people are shocked at how much pleasure can been uncovered by changing the speed, pressure and intention in the hands that are giving. This is another foundational step to giving outrageous pleasure with touch. This video shows parts of the actual massage given in the full course. Enjoy.



I want you to get this from jump! "Watching" the course is not doing the course! You must put this into practice in order to experience mind blowing results. So I advice NOT blowing the course by watching everything you possibly can doing a marathon in a few hours.  This may overwhelm and confuse you, creating opposite results. The idea is to go through each video and really take the time to digest the content.  Test it out, don't take my word for it. Put time aside to actually explore with yourself or your lover and EXPERIENCE what is being taught in the videos. ENJOY!
Yoni Massage Testimonial 💦
  • 3 mins
  • 38.1 MB
Lingam Massage ~ Voices of the Transformed 👐
  • 3 mins
  • 109 MB
Let's get it on!
  • 4 mins
  • 77.7 MB
Orgasms Start with a YES!
  • 6 mins
  • 76 MB
The Language of Seduction
  • 11 mins
  • 301 MB
Orgasms at a Glance
  • 2 mins
  • 71 MB
A Ritual of Touch
    The Art of Touch
    • 14 mins
    • 234 MB
    What are the different forms of touch?
      The Erogenous Zones
      • 8 mins
      • 230 MB
      Get Wild Ritual
        A word from Tantra Teacher Sabine Sonnenschein
        • 4 mins
        • 260 MB

        Orgasmic Touch

        Now that you have completed the foundational information. You are ready to dive into the massage training. 
        Preparing for a good time!
        • 49 KB
        The importance of Good Lubrication
          Mastering Arousal
          • 30 mins
          • 1.18 GB
          Breast & Body Orgasms
          • 26 mins
          • 1.05 GB
          Sex Center Ritual
            Sex Center Orgasms
            • 18 mins
            • 752 MB
            Full Blossoming & Integration
            • 33 mins
            • 1.33 GB
            Full Orgasmic Touch
            • (1h 37m 51s)
            • 1.93 GB
            In the After Glow (guide)
            • 1.25 MB

            Bonus "Breast Love" Course!

            This section is all about Breast Massage! We will share:

            ✨BREAST ORGASMS! 🥳
            Give breast massage for pleasure 💋
            Create sensitivity
            Expand pleasurable zones
            Self-pleasure practice & working with a partner 

            Open meridians channels
            Work out tension
            Lymphatic drainage 💦
            Work out lumps/cysts
            How to do a breast self-exam 👐
            Recipes for stretch mark reduction
            Natural breast care with nature 🌞

            Increased nipple perkiness and arousal/size
            Full / Perkier breast massage method
            Special herbal formulas/creams for enhancement
            2 Most Important Exercises 💪
            How to Increase / Decrease Breast Size Naturally

            Breast Love Preview
            • 1 min
            • 33.5 MB
            Breast Massage Testimonial
            • 3 mins
            • 147 MB
            3 Tips for Natural Breast Health ~ Prevent Cancer Using Breast Massage, Lymphatic Drainage + Detox
            • 6 mins
            • 395 MB
            Breast Health Course: Massage + Lymphatic drainage
            • 12 mins
            • 869 MB
            3 Tips for Breast Enhancement
            • 6 mins
            • 416 MB
            Breast Health Course: Breast Enhancement
            • 10 mins
            • 716 MB
            Routine for Breast Enhancement
              3 tips for creating Breast Orgasms
              • 5 mins
              • 509 MB
              Breast Orgasm Demo
              • 10 mins
              • 677 MB


              We offer an extra special bonus of raw and real content showing vivid details of what real and rich orgasmic expressions look and sound like. Curious? Dive in :)
              Raw Bonus ~ Channeling
              • 4 mins
              • 146 MB
              Oscillation Meditation
              • 7 mins
              • 9.23 MB

              Limitless Orgasmic Pleasure

              In this section, we go deep into how to be a limitless Lover for male and female bodies. there are four sections. One for learning how to make love a deep and profound experience, sharing what women can do to help the man become an amazing lover. Another section sharing with the man how they can make lovemaking last longer and be more powerful. The other parts are all about female body pleasure and what the woman can do to enhance her pleasure and connection. Last part if how a man can be a loving guide and companion to that pleasure women have inside. 

              Fly High!
              😃 WELCOME! 🙏 More Free Stuff on our Youtube! 🔔
                Limitless Lover GuideBook
                • 6.52 MB
                  Free from Love Bonds
                    Awaken you Desires
                      Play and Explore for more
                        Unlock your Potential
                          Become a Master
                            The Divine Nectar
                              The Art of Giving Space
                                A Delightful Outcome
                                  Element of Surprise and Intensity
                                    Stay with What Feels Good
                                      Peaceful Pleasure

                                        Hear what our Orgasmic Users have to say. Sign up for an orgasmic lifestyle today!


                                        "My experience was wonderful, harmonious, sensual and beautiful. I am filled with gratitude and blessings from my experience. Thank you from my heart!"


                                        "I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. The transformation that I have gone through has been absolutely amazing and so heartfelt.  No doubt I have reached a new level within myself."


                                        "Deva is one of the living masculine power masters I have met. He shares from his wisdom and experience.  Thank you, Deva."

                                        BOGDAN B.

                                        Meet Deva Presence

                                        After nearly a decade of study and practice, I have finally unraveled the secrets to being a powerful lover. The solutions are wild and unknown to most, yet tangible and effective.

                                        Learning from Grand Master Mantak Chia, becoming the principle in the Master Lover Online training by  Ma Ananda Sarita and diving deep into Tao and conscious sensuality training's over the years has helped me map out pleasure principles for you to apply and make changes in your life for good. 

                                        What's stoping you from getting started?

                                        Is it money?
                                        We are all about helping others become orgasmically alive!
                                        You will get all your money back if you like the course or not!

                                        If this course does not impact your life within 45 days, we will happily return your money no questions asked.

                                        If you complete the course within 45 days, invite people to join you and share with us a video testimonial we will give you 100% of your money back Guaranteed!

                                        We did not develop this simply for financial gain. It’s about changing lives for the better. And if we are not doing that, you can keep your money and we wish you all the best!

                                        Is it about having the right partner?
                                        Your happiness and sexual energy is not reliant on someone else. It’s all in YOU to attract the perfect person to GIFT your liberated sensuality to. You do not need to have someone in order to feel orgasmic. All of this can be done on your own and with friends you feel safe to share with. Nothing is stopping you other than your own self limiting beliefs. And thankfully you can change them. 

                                        Is it about timing and having good conditions /locations /circumstances?  

                                        It’s about prioritizing!
                                        If you feel that being stuck in mediocre love making for the rest of your life is not important, then maybe this is not worth your investment. I am ready to help those willing to explore the massive benefit of living an exceptionally orgasmic and liberated life! If that is you, then I would love to accelerate your growth to the greater / more fulfilled YOU!

                                        Are you Single?

                                        All that is taught in this course can be applied to a self pleasuring practice. When you can give to yourself, you know it well and can offer much more when that special someone shows up!

                                        Partners of all Genders

                                        Couples who are new, old, same sex, poly or pan-sexual can all benefit deeply from the contents in this course. No matter your preference or relational status this universally applies to all who are learning how to harness the orgasmic life force in the body.

                                        Creating Community

                                        Although this online school is secure and private viewing, there are a wealth of inspired people learning alongside you. We can grow together in this journey of learning how to love. Join the conversation and connect!
                                        Communicating through Touch
                                        Touch is by far one of the most important languages we possess. Literally without touch we would not survive as a human species. By mastering touch we master a paramount level of communing with our beloved. A touch that can take them to the divine and anchor them into a deep sense of feeling loved. Your sense of love is greatly enhanced when giving and receiving this form of touch. 

                                        Communicating through the Heart
                                        When we learn to speak skillfully from the heart, we gain a genuine connection without having to “win them over”. No pick up artist manipulation needed here. To create long lasting deep intimacy one must learn the language of the heart. I have dedicated two decades to the love language in relationships and found that Vulnerable Truth embedded in confidence and compassion are the ultimate keys to open hearted relating. 

                                        In this easy to follow online school, you will gain and up level your skills to creating outrageous sex and deepening intimacy. 


                                        What is the Orgasmic Touch Online Course about?

                                        Glad you asked :) It's a Course about Connection Primarily! You are learning how to love...
                                        Specifically, it's a hands on practical erotic / tantra massage that you follow along. Play the videos and follow my lead as you give the massage to your lover. I did my best to speak in details of what I am doing and why, so you understand the process of Orgasmic Touch. There are also meditations, rituals and philosophy that go into the mental and emotional states needed in order to build deep loving connections. The course is designed so that anyone can overnight get going into the practices of learning how to enhance their ability to give and receive from the heart, body and spirit.

                                        When I first started on this journey that’s exactly what I did. I put the video on and did exactly what the teacher did in the video while expanding her pleasure. And my lover did not mind at all! Each time we did it, she was very intrigued by this and enjoyed it immensely.

                                        I then went on to spend tens of thousands of dollars in retreats worldwide to bring this superb information to you as a very economical and easily accessible option!

                                        Dive in and enjoy.

                                        I'm new to this / I know a lot already - Is this for me?

                                        Wonderful Question!
                                        This is a Dynamic Course. We provide free contact with the teacher and update our content regularly. What we have now will be growing and changing. If you are looking for something more, just ask. We are always looking for ways to help people dive deeper by expanding the content.
                                        If it's still not the right theme for you that's ok. You can cancel at any time and we offer a 45-day money back guarantee. No questions asked. :)

                                        There are three core aspects to being a multi orgasmic lover:
                                         Communication, Collaboration and Calibration.

                                        You will learn how to integrate all three over a period of just a weekend! Once you get this ultimate download, it’s a matter of practice, practice, practice! Which equates to lots of love making!

                                        Approximately 63% of us are not getting our sexual needs met due to a poor sexual education or mentorship. We don’t know what turns us on, or, if we do know, we don’t know how to ask for it. This course is exactly what will make that change for good!

                                        How long is the course and how long do I have access?

                                        This course is designed so that you can get started and give an amazing massage to your lover right away! You could literally complete the course in a weekend. However, practice this over and over again to really get good.

                                        I don’t want to overwhelm you with hours of content. Less is more! I am giving you precise and easy to absorb material. If you want a more personal and impactful experience contact us for coaching calls. 

                                        You have access as long as you are a user and signed up. Forever

                                        Is this for men only? Or women too?

                                        Super Question!

                                        This course is designed to give rich experiences to any gender.

                                        Ladies, you will get lots out of this love catapulting course too.
                                         In fact, there are many similarities between how a man and a woman’s body responds to Orgasmic Touch! Absolutely YES, everything taught here can be applied to a male body as well and successfully give him a multi-orgasmic experience!

                                        There is also the very important aspect of the receiver learning how to give as well! So, it is key for whomever is giving or receiving the massage to dive in with an opposite role and enhance the training. Yes, consider this a training that both are going through to become super orgasmic!

                                        Terms and Privacy Policy

                                        We will not sell or share your email address, name, mailing address or any other personal and non-public information with any other agency, person or company. You can browse our website anonymously and you only receive emails if you have signed up to one of our products. Your transaction specific information is securely processed through a Merchants Service company such as PayPal. Your secure transactions and satisfaction are important to us. We aim to gain your trust enough to tell your friends, acquaintances and family about our services. Why would we do anything to jeopardize that? Therefore, we will not sell or share your private information with anyone.